Monday 17th of May was our first day back at school after having TWO weeks of holidays.
Mrs Boyd wanted to find out all the amazing things we had been doing so she asked us to put on our thinking caps!
We used the alphabet thinking key to "Alphabet our Holidays"
We had to think of words that described our holiday and they had to start with each letter of the alphabet.
We found the letters j, x, q and y challenging and we had to think very hard... and creatively to fill the box with a word that related to our holidays.
Here are pictures of some of our work.
Thanks for visiting our blog.
We have now moved onto another class and our teacher Mrs Boyd is now at Nelson Central School (you can view their new class blog here).
Please feel free to browse through the ARCHIVES of our blog or look below for our FAVOURITE posts!
Please feel free to browse through the ARCHIVES of our blog or look below for our FAVOURITE posts!