Today was Thinking Hat Tuesday in Room One.
We put on our different thinking hats and we explore situations and problems by thinking in different ways.
Today we looked at the BLACK hat, the RED hat and the GREEN hat.
Our Creativity Starter was:
IF MY NOSE WERE ON THE TOP OF MY HEAD....BLACK HAT THOUGHTSThe black hat is all about the bad points and the weaknesses. Your hair would tickle your nose - Maia
The hairdresser might cut your nose off by accident - Kelly
If it was windy the air could go into your nose and mouth - Asriel
You could sneeze into someones face - Alex
A bird may poop into your nose! - Tiana
The red hat is all about our feelings.
It would feel bad if I had a cold; some snot might go into my hair! - Grace
I would feel annoyed because when walking down a dusty street; dust might go up your nose - Hannah
I would feel annoyed because the wind migh blow our hair up our nose! - Robbie
I would feel sad because people would say I looked funny - Theo
I would feel sad because people might call me names - Lauryn
The green hat is all about creativity and new ideas
You could cover it up with long hair and the doctor might ask "where is your nose?" - Atorea
If you were at a party you could wear a party hat over your nose - Tullamore
The basketball might squash your nose and boogies might come out - Josie
You might go to sleep and knock your nose - Tequila
You could be playing soccer and sneeze; and it would go all over the ball and make you win! - Victoria